Our Enterprise supports provide you with one-to-one information, advice and guidance and in-depth mentoring if you are researching or growing a business idea.
You can avail of our Enterprise supports if you:
- Have a business idea that you want to explore and grow
- If you live in one the neighbourhoods where we work
You will meet with an Enterprise Officer who will give you:
- One-to-one support
- Help completing the Back to Work Enterprise Allowance Application Form
- Referral to Enterprise Training
- Support with specific, technical questions
- Advice and information on how to develop your business
- Ongoing follow up support once your business is up and running
Our Enterprise Officers can give advice on everything to do with starting your own business including tax, PRSI, market research, health and safety, insurance, business planning and finance.
Our Enterprise Development Service is funded under the Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme (SICAP) by the Department of Rural and Community Development.