Social Prescribing

Social Prescribing helps to improve people’s mental, physical and social health by connecting them to local, non-clinical services, mainly through the voluntary and community services.


What is Social Prescribing?

We all know to go to the doctor for a prescription for tablets when we are sick physically. Social Prescribing is a holistic prescription to help people with not just their physical health, but also their mental and social health via social connectedness and wellbeing through activities that interest them. Northside Partnership’s Social Prescribing Link Worker links them with these activities.

In Social Prescribing, we don’t focus on what is the matter with the person, but what matters to the person.

Any social activity has huge benefits for someone that is lonely or isolated and any physical activity has great mental health benefits too.


Who Can Avail of Social Prescribing?

Referrals can come through your GP, public health nurse or social worker but you can also refer yourself, if you are over 18.

What’s On?

What Can I Expect?


Find out more

Contact Karen O’Neill on 01 832 0995 or

Here’s Karen describing the work she does on Near FM:

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