The Stop Smoking Programme offers support to people who wish to quit smoking in the areas where we work. We deliver this programme in partnership with the Health Services Executive.
We know from national surveys that up to 75% of smokers would like to quit for good. We also know that smokers are up to four times more likely to quit successfully with help. Our Lay Health Advocates, can offer free and friendly support and advice to help you take the first steps to quit for good.
The Stop Smoking Programme offers a combination of one to one and group support to individuals who wish to quit smoking. All supports are delivered by trained Lay Health Advocates and are completely free of charge.
In a one-to-one session, our advisors will:
- look at your desire and readiness to quit
- take a history of your smoking habit
- assess your nicotine addiction
- identify your reasons for quitting and any difficulties or risks of relapse
- create a personal plan to help you quit smoking
- measure your carbon monoxide levels
You can take part in the programme if:
- You are over 17 years of age
- You want to quit smoking
- You live in an area where we work.
People can refer themselves to the programme. We also take referrals from hospitals, health professionals and community organsiations working in the area.

Northside Partnership’s Stop Smoking Programme is calling on people living in Dublin 3, 5, 13 and 17 to join the Smoke Free Homes Challenge.
The Smoke Free Homes programme aims to reduce second hand smoke exposure in people’s homes while raising awareness of the health risks associated with second hand smoke, especially to children and young people.
Once registered, participants are asked to sign a promise document where they commit to keeping their environment smoke free for four weeks.
At the end of the four-week challenge, participants receive a Smoke Free Home Certificate and are included in a prize draw.
The programme invites households to make 3, 6 or 10 promises (bronze, silver or gold) with respect to making parts of their home and environment smoke free over a 4 week period.
They sign up to make at least 3 of 10 positive changes in their homes for a period of 4 weeks. Examples of these simple changes are ‘Making meal times smoke-free’ and ‘Create a smoke free zone in the house’ (e.g. the kitchen or a bedroom), or ‘Make my home completely smoke free’.
- 3 Promises- Bronze
- 6 Promises- Silver
- 10 Promises- Gold
Homes do not have to go completely smoke-free to be involved, but householders are encouraged to make as many of the 10 changes as they feel they can.
Call our Stop Smoking Team at 085 847 8960 or 085 847 8961 for more information or email quit@nspartnership.ie.
10 Changes: I Promise to
- Make the bedrooms of my house smoke free
- Create a smoke free zone in my house (1 room)
- Never smoke around children
- Make my car a smoke free zone
- Keep my cigarette where children can’t see them
- Make meal times smoke free
- Ask visitors to support my smoke free home by smoking outdoors
- If someone is minding my children, ask them to keep it smoke free
- Remove all ashtrays from inside my house
- Make my house a smoke free zone