Statement from Northside Partnership in relation to Protest at ex-Crown Paints Factory Site

Northside Partnership, a not-for-profit local development company and member of the Irish Local Development Network, has been working as part of the community of north east Dublin for over 30 years.

As an organisation, we recognise that members of our community hold different and sometimes opposing opinions on a range of matters. We welcome honest discourse to aid mutual understanding and cooperation for the good of the communities we serve, both existing and new.

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New figures show the impact of Sláintecare Healthy Communities

Ireland’s 49 Local Development Companies (LDCs) are identifying the health and wellness needs of their communities and building strategies to address these needs, particularly for those who are living in social and economic deprivation. A pilot initiative – called Sláintecare Healthy Communities, which is a Department of Health/HSE-funded programme that is currently being delivered by 14 LDCs – is having a positive impact on health inequalities throughout Ireland.

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Asylum Seekers Pilot Work Experience & Training Programme 2023

Northside Parternship and Speedpak Group have successfully completed a pilot to support new communities of job seekers.

When 250 male Asylum Seekers moved into adapted accommodation in Airways Industrial Estate, it presented as an opportunity to support the integration of International Protection Participants/Asylum Seekers in the locality via Speedpak workforce. As Asylum Seekers receive a weekly payment of €37.50 from the State, they are not allowed to receive additional funding. Therefore, any work undertaken by them would be done on a voluntary unpaid basis.

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Money Made Sense: New Handbook for the Intellectual Disabilities Sector
  • By Sarah Clohessy
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  • Health
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Northside Partnership has launched the Financial Capabilities for the Intellectual Disabilities Sector handbook.

The aim of the handbook is facilitate a process whereby people with intellectual
disabilities have the opportunity to build their financial literacy, knowledge and skills and
put these skills into practice in order to build their financial capabilities. Financial Capabilities
means ‘The combination of attitude, knowledge, skills, and self-efficacy needed to make
and exercise money management decisions that best fit the circumstances of one’s life,

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Kilmore/Priorswood Sláintecare Healthy Communities Launched
  • By Sarah Clohessy
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  • Health
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Kilmore/Priorswood was launched as a Sláintecare Healthy Community site by Cllr. Dearbháil Butler deputising for Lord Mayor of Dublin Caroline Conroy in the Bell Centre, Darndale. Introduced nationally in 2021, Sláintecare Healthy Communities is a Cross-Government initiative to deliver increased health and wellbeing services in 19 areas of greatest need across Ireland.

The launch of the Kilmore/Priorswood Sláintecare Healthy Communities is the successful culmination of close collaboration between many partners.

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Northside Partnership CEO, Paul Rogers, joined the country’s other 48 Local Development Companies (LDCs) to call for an extra €19 million per year for the rural development programme, LEADER, and the restoration of social inclusion spending under the SICAP programme to pre-financial crash levels. The calls were made in the Budget 2023 submission to Government by the Irish Local Development Network (ILDN) which is the representative body for the 49 LDCs around the country.

We fully support the call for the restoration of the Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme funding to pre-2008 levels and call for a radical reform of labour market schemes such as Community Employment and Tús

“We fully support the call for the restoration of the Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme funding to pre 2008 levels and call for a radical reform of labour market schemes such as Community Employment and Tús,” said Mr.

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